• Practice Hours:
    Monday – Friday 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
    Saturday 08:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Root Canals

The term "root canal treatment" comes from cleaning and filling of the canals inside the tooth's root. A root canal treatment is a treatment to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth. The procedure involves removing the damaged nerve tissue of the tooth called the pulp followed by cleaning and disinfecting it and then filling and sealing it off with a permanent filler called Gutta Percha. The common causes affecting the pulp are a cracked teeth, a deep cavity, repeated dental treatment to the tooth or trauma.

What to Expect During a ROOT CANAL

If you think you need a root canal treatment, consult your dentist. There are a number of steps involved in the treatment which might take over a few office visits sometimes.

  1. X-ray – if a dentist suspects you may need a root canal treatment, he will first take X-rays or examine existing X-rays to show where the decay is located.
  2. Anesthesia – local anesthesia is administered to the affected tooth. Contrary to popular belief, a root canal is no more painful than a filling.
  3. Pulpectomy – an opening is made and the diseased tooth pulp is removed.
  4. Filling – the roots that have been opened (to get rid of the disease pulp) are filled with gutta-percha material and sealed off with cement.
  5. Permanent Restoration - the tooth being devoid of blood supply is dehydrated and tends to chip off easily so ideally it is best to restore the tooth with a permanent ceramic or metal crown to increase the life span of the tooth.